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World-famous MTG YouTube Channels

This channel is a conclave of Canadians who cover games of all kinds. Their series, Friday Nights, features characters that each embrace different formats of Magic. The characters can be a bit much but the jokes are totally incredible.

Friday Nights has been featured on Wizards' YouTube channel for eons, and this crew has garnered the honor of playing their pre-release a week before everyone else!

[Loading Ready Run](https://www.youtube.com/user/loadingreadyrun)
This channel is a conclave of Canadians who cover games of all kinds. Their series, Friday Nights, features characters that each embrace different formats of Magic. The characters can be a bit much but the jokes are totally incredible. Friday Nights has been featured on Wizards' YouTube channel for eons, and this crew has garnered the honor of playing their pre-release a week before everyone else!

Wedge is the quickest to respond to Magic's news, and he's also excellent at following up with comments on many different channels!

[The Mana Source](https://www.youtube.com/user/TheManaSource)
Wedge is the quickest to respond to Magic's news, and he's also excellent at following up with comments on many different channels!
[Unsleeved Media](https://www.youtube.com/user/mtgheadquarters)
[The Magic Show](https://www.youtube.com/user/mrorangeguy)
[Aether Hub](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHgB_8rMUcVNv_VtDkdmWag)
[Boogie Plays Games](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxJ107jp9A3Ea09Fu00fw0g)

This channel tries out new decks almost every day. I challenge you to try a deck they haven't tried.

[MTG Goldfish](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZAZTSd0xnor7hJFmINIBIw)
This channel tries out new decks almost every day. I challenge you to try a deck they haven't tried.

This channel began with reviews of products like card sleeves and deck boxes. These are still pretty important but the channel has outgrown them! This is the most-subscribed Magic channel on YouTube and the Professor has honored this designation with a bevy of amazing content.

[Tolarian Community College](https://www.youtube.com/user/tolariancommunity)
This channel began with reviews of products like card sleeves and deck boxes. These are still pretty important but the channel has outgrown them! This is the most-subscribed Magic channel on YouTube and the Professor has honored this designation with a bevy of amazing content.
[Channel Fireball](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVmqfvWsKeFaMGY68CbcVVQ)
[Magic The Amateuring](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3xWgtukXNLwPDdJvR_YcEg)

Commentary on Magic news

[Desolator Magic](https://www.youtube.com/user/Desolator144)
Commentary on Magic news
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