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Testimonials about life-changingness of Magic

"Non-computer hobbies are important for my emotional health."
"Sucking at something is good for my soul."
"All problem solving is cumulatively good for me."

-Joshua Blankenship

"Non-computer hobbies are important for my emotional health." "Sucking at something is good for my soul." "All problem solving is cumulatively good for me." -Joshua Blankenship
[5½ Things I’ve Learned from Playing Magic: The Gathering for 5½ Months]() on Medium

"Magic is more educational than school."

-Dana Fischer

Dana is a very young competitor who has gone to GPs in Modern and Standard (she turned 7 in between Vegas and Minneapolis). She is a great interview!
GP Minneapolis Day 1 highlights

"Magic is more educational than school." -Dana Fischer
Dana is a very young competitor who has gone to GPs in Modern and Standard (she turned 7 in between Vegas and Minneapolis). She is a great interview! [GP Minneapolis Day 1 highlights](http://magic.wizards.com/en/events/coverage/gpmin17/gp-minneapolis-day-1-highlights-2017-08-05)

"In most cases humans evaluate decisions based on outcomes. But in playing Magic, I learned to evaluate decisions based the information at hand."

-Anna Marie Clifton

How Magic: The Gathering Taught Me to Think on Medium

Featuring a beautiful photo of Mr. Jon Finkel with Anna

"In most cases humans evaluate decisions based on outcomes. But in playing Magic, I learned to evaluate decisions based the information at hand." -Anna Marie Clifton
[How Magic: The Gathering Taught Me to Think](https://medium.com/@TweetAnnaMarie/how-i-learned-to-think-623296fe5285) on Medium Featuring a beautiful photo of Mr. Jon Finkel with Anna

This is 31 by Zachary Barash for Hipsters of the Coast

[This is 31](http://www.hipstersofthecoast.com/2017/08/this-is-31-birthday-memories/) by Zachary Barash for [Hipsters of the Coast](http://www.hipstersofthecoast.com)

The Pressure to Be Relevant by Brian Braun-Duin

[The Pressure to Be Relevant](http://magic.tcgplayer.com/db/article.asp?ID=14819&writer=Brian+Braun-Duin&articledate=8-23-2018) by Brian Braun-Duin

"I wasn't the most diligent student growing up. So I feel that it was Magic that helped me learn how to think critically. My math skills used to be really poor, but I feel that playing Magic has improved them a lot."

-Kenji Tsumura (translated from Japanese)

"I wasn't the most diligent student growing up. So I feel that it was Magic that helped me learn how to think critically. My math skills used to be really poor, but I feel that playing Magic has improved them a lot." -Kenji Tsumura (translated from Japanese)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/31PCjGOQkzI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This Enter the Battlefield giving me the feels. Playing Magic in Korea gave me a way to connect with locals I otherwise wouldn&#39;t have had.</p>&mdash; Eric Klug (@klug_alters) <a href="https://twitter.com/klug_alters/status/890798805800505345">July 28, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

“I came home thinking, ‘They will know my name.' It really lit a fire under my ass.”

-Kelly Reid of Quiet Speculation

“I came home thinking, ‘They will know my name.' It really lit a fire under my ass.” -Kelly Reid of [Quiet Speculation](https://www.quietspeculation.com)
[Scanning for Magic: How One Man Changed an Industry](https://medium.com/startupsco/scanning-for-magic-how-one-man-changed-an-industry-3d19856afdfe) on Medium

"So I kind of fell out of science... and I fell into books, specifically fantasy books, and I think, I'm just making this connection now, on your podcast, for the first time, I think the reason I picked up fantasy books was because I was playing (oh my god, wow) Magic the Gathering"

-Brian Lewis, AKA The Professor

At the 9:00 mark of this interview https://soundcloud.com/kitchentablemagic/the-professor-of-tolarian-community-college-ep-221

"So I kind of fell out of science... and I fell into books, specifically fantasy books, and I think, I'm just making this connection now, on your podcast, for the first time, I think the reason I picked up fantasy books was because I was playing (oh my god, wow) Magic the Gathering" -Brian Lewis, AKA The Professor
At the 9:00 mark of this interview https://soundcloud.com/kitchentablemagic/the-professor-of-tolarian-community-college-ep-221
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